This Man Brutally Tortured His Girlfriend's Cats. He Can Still Own Animals in the Future.

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Hunt County Authorities

A woman's cats kept enduring mysterious injuries. So one day, she decided to set up a nanny cam to see what was happening while she was away at work. The footage was something out of a horror film.

Recorded videos from the camera depicted the woman's boyfriend violently torturing her cat for hours at a time. The footage was so gruesome that one investigator said it was one of the worst instances of animal abuse he'd seen in his entire career. The poor cat, named Nimbus, was so severely injured that she had to be euthanized.

Sign now to demand authorities in Hunt County give this man a lifetime ban on animal ownership! 

The man was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison, but the sentencing did not include a lifetime ban on animal ownership. This means that technically, when this man has completed his time, he can immediately own and torture more animals.

Nimbus deserves justice -- and justice means never letting this man get his hands on another animal in the future. We must urge Hunt County prosecutors to give this man a lifetime ban on animal ownership! Sign now if you agree!

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