This poor Galgo in the picture, murdered and dumped by their Galguero, deemed as no good any more, discarded like trash, what image does this portray about Spain.
Galgos in Spain are left hung up on trees to die, starved, beaten, set alight, put down wells, and discarded like rubbish when their Galgueros are finished with them at the end of the hunting season. 50,000 to 60,000 Galgo's get killed in some way every year after hunting season finishes. They are such gentle loving creatures who serve their master and end up like rubbish, they do not deserve all this torture. These hunters say Galgos have no soul, so are discarded and why is the Spanish government allowing this to happen still in the 21st Century.
Why wont the Spanish Government pass a law to inprison hunters who treat their dogs like this, there is a law for domestic pets, something needs urgently to be done, if it was not for all the rescues out there in Spain to protect these traumatised Galgos they would all die. please let's all try and help these wonderful Galgos, Spain needs to be boycotted then the Spanish Government might do something and take notice, these wonderful peaceful dogs do not deserve this at all, they are such cowards the hunters that do this to these gentle loving dogs who DO have a soul, they DO feel and DO have a heart.
They cannot thank you themselves but I thank you from all the Galgo's/Galga's in Spain. One day I hope all Galgo's/Galga's will get the respect they so deserve and be able to hold their heads up high again, and feel proud to be Spanish. Thank you all. I also would like to thank all the people from Spain who haved signed my petition it must be heart breaking for you all who see this cruelty every day of your life, it would break my heart, perhaps the next generation of Galgueros through education, will treat their Galgos with much respect, and let them live in peace and harmony like they so deserve.
Dear Sirs, Senor
I have sent you signatures for the petition I have started in aid to stop all the cruelty in Spain of the poor Galgos/Galgas, everyone around the world does not want it to continue. No one wants to visit Spain for a holiday because of what you still allow to happen to these wonderful dogs, please please for the sake of the Galgos put it forward to pass a law to protect them, they do not deserve to be treated like this. What image does this portray about Spain.
Thank you from all of us who signed this petition.
Aggiorna #110 anni fa
Thank you for signing my petition about the Galgos/Galgas in Spain. I am very grateful to you all, we have a long way to go on this, please tell your friends and families to sign this petition.
I have sent my signatures so far to the Spanish Government, the Humane Society's around the world, my Government here in the UK and our Prime Minister, who thinks the cruelty is awful in Spain.
With your help through friends and family we must aim to stop this.
Thank you
Barbara Baker