Outlaw the Slaughter of Swallows for Sport in Cyprus & Malta

  • da: Fran Stone
  • destinatario: Cyprus & Malta Governments.

The numbers of swallows returning to Europe to breed is rapidly declining due to two main causes. One is the size and aridity of the Sahara desert where the birds cannot rest or drink.

The other is the heinous killing of the swallows for SPORT as they fly over Malta and Cyprus. This mindless killing has to stop before the swallows become an endangered species and the midges which they feed on multiply to become out of control in nature's ecosystem.

Left to live normally, these amazing birds can live to be 15yrs old, during which time they will have flown the equivalent of eleven times to the moon and back through their migrations. They are capable of eating and sleeping on the wing without losing their way on their epic journeys across two continents annually.

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