Australian Brumbies are similiar in many ways to the American Mustang, especially in the fact that these feral horses are treasures icons of the continents. Found mainly in the Northern Australia territory (i.e Queensland & New South Wales), in Guy Fawkes National Park and Kosciuszko National Park. Sadly, just the U.S Mustangs, they suffer the same fate of becoming extinct.
In the Snowy Mountains, it was estimated there were only 6,000 Brumbies in 2013. However, the NSW Government and Queensland National Park Minister, insist that the population numbers are much higher; claiming that there is over 400,000 Brumbies and that "one horse is too many". They insist that the overpopulation of the horses are that of an invasive species - causing damage to lands and being a danger to humans.
The culling option was greenlighted after two fatalies of running over a dead horse carcass on a busy highway. The Queensland NP Minister stated that this is their final option as every other experimentation has caused poor animal welfare.
Brumbies are either aerial or ground shot and left to die (even pregnant mares), while foals die in starvation without their dams. The remaining horses that are stockpiled are either euthanized or sent off to slaughter, only a small percent is actually properly re-homed.
Other Conservationists say the numbers of horses at these parks are out of control and are a danger to the environment. They claim attempting to re-home them is not practical, and cruel, in their opinion.
The numbers of Brumbies have since decreased due to the plans, yet the National Park Association executive Kevin Evans states that there has been no decrease and instead has staggered dramatically faster than they can cull. He also states that this must be done to relieve stresses and that many animals will not have a happy ending but it is what must be done for sake of the environment.
They are perceived as diseased and inbred, not worthy of preservation but they are the opposite. Just like the American Mustang, these horses have treasured genetics that give them strong bone, sound conformation and high intelligence; during a DNA test at Guy Fawkes National Park, NSW it was found that less than 5% of inbreeding occurs within the feral horses.
Under Australian legislation the Heritage Brumby is classed as ‘feral’ and is treated as such. There is no provision for their protection, preservation and continuation of the genetics into the future. Please sign this petition and protect these historic horses before they're extinct forever!
Dear Prime Minister,
We the undersigned are not only concerned about the welfare of Australian Brumbies, but are also appalled about the abuse that they face; many Australian citizens consider these horses to be an icon of the country, as well as a symbol. Brumbies are also a tourist attraction that visitors come specifically to see in person.
Australian Brumbies are being inhumanely culled in Queensland and New South Wales territories, as well as the Snowy Mountains & Guy Fawkes National parks after the claim by chief excecutive of the NSW National Park association that these horses are a danger to humans and the environment due to overpopulation. He states that experiments to stop the populations have resulted in poor animal welfare and that culling is the last option than re-homing. He also has claimed that the horses are reproducing faster than they can be managed. This is simply not the case.
During the aerial cull, horses are shot (including mares giving birth) who die a slow and painful death after the shot. Tiny babies die mercilessly from starvation die the death of their dams. Any herds that are not targeted to be aerial culled, are instead captured in holding facilities where they are euthanized or sent to slaughter - only a small percent are properly rehomed.
Populations of the Australians, despite Mr. Evans claims, have not increased dramatically - rather they have decreased rapidly since the greenlighting of the operation. There are less than 400,000 herds roaming through Queensland, New South Wales or other territories and only 6,000 roaming in the Snowy Mountains.
There is also no scientific or documented proof of the Brumbies causing environmental damage, rather, it has been shown that they reduce the risk of wildfires, fertilize the grasslands and provide water to livestock during droughts through their instinctive survival needs.
DNA tests on the Brumbies that reside in Guy Fawkes National Park debunks the myth that these horses are inbred or diseased; rather - it was shown that there is a unique characteristics, giving them a lower inbreeding rate than modern day Thoroughbred breeding. The breedings within the herds naturally give them sound footing, good confirmation and high intelligence nor did it show any evidence of disease.
Without appropiate action, these beautiful and unique creatures will forever be extinct. We hope that you and the Hon. Tony Abbott will take action to stop the massacares and give them fedral protection.
Yours faithfully,
Care2 Petitioners
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