• da: Leslie I
  • destinatario: Jim Hagedorn Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company; Frank Blake, CEO, Home Depot; Robert Niblock, CEO, Lowes

GMO Roundup Ready grass will result in a further increase in the use of Roundup, which will contaminate our groundwater and drinking water. Imagine your children & pets frolicking around in a sea of herbicidal poison. Because of inevitable contamination, the grass is likely to be eaten by grass grazing animals. There has been no toxicity testing and the potential harm to animals eating this GMO grass is unknown. Will we be saying good-bye to pasture raised meat? Lastly, it is a scientific fact that weeds will evolve to develop resistance to Roundup, leading to ever increasing amounts being applied.

Scotts is Monsanto's exclusive agent for the marketing and distribution of consumer Roundup. The only true benefit of GMO grass is to increase Scotts' sales of Roundup, padding Scotts' & Monsanto's bottom lines at the expense of your health and the environment. We are calling for the BOYCOTT of all Scotts Miracle-Gro products until Scotts eradicates GMO Roundup Ready grass and for Home Depot and Lowes to pledge not to sell it.
Over 200 Peer Reviewed Studies have found health or environmental concerns related to Glyphosate, the "active ingredient" in Roundup:

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