It is time to take action for animals in Barbados! Every living creature deserves to have its basic needs met – adequate food, water and shelter. Every animal deserves a life protected from inhumane treatment and suffering. Now is our time to stand together, advocate for animals and make our voices heard. Animal cruelty and neglect often goes unnoticed and when reported, there is  no end in sight to their suffering, because of failure by the authorities to act. Animals can feel pain and fear, joy and love, just like humans, but they do not have a voice – LET US BE THAT VOICE.
The Barbados PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT - CHAPTER 144A is failing animals by not being enforced to any satisfactory level. Therefore, we request that the ACT 144A in its entirety "Sections 1-19" be enforced with immediate effect. We are also requesting that the relevant authorities establish a Standard Operating Procedure that will allow the Public to anonymously report animal abuse/neglect to the Police and other Authorised bodies, who will then investigate and take immediate action as deemed necessary.

Please let us have your signature – your support is crucial.

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