Last night I learnt my cat had been poisoned by De-icer but namely it's constituent ethylene glycol which is also present in anti-freeze.
Ethylene glycol is said to be sweet and animals like to eat or drink it. But ingestion of antifreeze can often be fatal if it's not immediately treated and 1 teaspoon is a fatal dose.
Ethylene glycol is metabolized by the liver and travels in the bloodstream
to the kidneys, where it forms insoluble calcium oxalate crystals which cause permanent damage to the kidney tissue and can ultimately lead to kidney failure.
Most people are unaware of the danger to pets from antifreeze poisoning and that we can do something about it. As well as ensuring our pets and children go nowhere near it and letting our friends and neighbours know about the dangers even if they don't have pets, we can petition big retail to make it taste and smell bitter and unattractive to our animals and we can ask them to replace ethylene glycol products with less dangerous alternatives. Newer brands of antifreeze on the market use propylene glycol instead of ethylene glycol. Propylene glycol is commonly found in such products as lotions, creams, and toothpaste and is not as toxic as ethylene glycol. If needed, it is best to choose an antifreeze that does not contain ethylene glycol.
Please sign this petition and forward it to your friends, post on Facebook and Twitter to help me get more signatures. I will write to the retailers on our behalf asking them to ensure they make any ethylene glycol products bitter and seek alternative non-poisonous alternatives for their customers.
For anyone who suspects their cat or dog may have been poisoned get them to the vet, have the antifreeze test and get them on fluids to flush their system. The vet will also get them on medication and special food to protect their kidneys.
Please also note - Rock salt (used to grit roads in winter) can be toxic to animals.
Never ‘watch and wait’ in any case of suspected poisoning. If you suspect your pet has been poisoned, act fast and contact a vet for advice immediately.
Aggiorna #29 anni fa
The good news is we have 630 signatures but I'd really like your help in reaching our 1000 signature target. Can you please post this petition on Facebook or Twitter and encourage others to sign and spread the word about the dangers of antifreeze to our pets and children. Thanks
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Well I wanted to share some awesome news, my cat is going to make it. He is in the very lucky 4% that survived antifreeze poisoning. I am however determined to see this through for the 96% who don't make it. Thank you all for your support it has been a great comfort during a very distressing time for me.