Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get the United Kingdom to stop using animals in their research efforts. As we continue to stop such experimentation with animals, the genetic research is still on an upswing and must stop! Please help in stopping these practices!
It has been noted that, despite all recent efforts to stop the use of animals in experiments and research, the number of incidents is on the increase. The experiments using animals has grown by 0.3 percent over previous years. Just the King's College of London alone is a university that uses animals in their research for Parkinson's disease, cancer and dementia. They are not alone since Edinburgh and Oxford, among others that are leading in the number of animals used and killed.
Animal welfare groups and the coalition against such acts states that "There are enormous efforts going on to not using animals where it's unnecessary for them to be used. Where these animals are being used, then there's a necessity for that use. There's a lot of effort going into replacement." "While many types of research have declined or even ended, the advent of modern scientific techniques has opened up new research areas, with genetically modified animals, mainly mice, often being required to support those areas".
Under the law scientists are required to consider the 3Rs: to replace the use of animals; reduce the number need; or refine procedures to cause less suffering. Universities like the King's College has said that modified animals were needed for modeling the early stages of complex diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's disease and dementia, more accurately than before, despite their violations of the law.
The government has now failed for a third year on its 2010 post-election pledge to work to reduce the number of animals used in research and, as a result, millions of animals continue to suffer and die in our laboratories. Stop the use of animals in research and experimentation! Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get the United Kingdom to stop using animals in their research efforts. As we continue to stop such experimentation with animals, the genetic research is still on an upswing and must stop! Please help in stopping these practices!
King's College of London, Oxford and Other UK Universities - Please ensure that you do a more thorough investigation in the UK and various universities that continue to think it is acceptable to use animals in research and experiments. Implement laws and regulations against such practices and enforce consequences of great severity to any facility that disregards these laws and regulations. Until you do so, animals will continue to be victimized in research. Do something that will stop these practices once and for all!!!!
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