Demand Panther’s Adopter Be Charged With Neglect!

Please sign our petition for Panther.  

Panther was adopted legally, a contract was signed by his adopter with All Paws Matter Animal Rescue on April 2, 2018. Vetting was done by the rescue including a home check before the adoption. Then out of the blue on December 17, 2018, All Paws Matter Rescue received a frantic call from Panther's legal adopter's daughter saying the adopter had moved out leaving Panther behind with her husband and the rescue needed to come and take Panther back immediately. 

All Paws Matter Rescue went to get Panther right away. When the rescuer arrived, Panther was in a small dog crate with no food, water or kitty litter pan. There was a large Pitbull type dog in the house that knocked the rescuer around as she tried to remove Panther from the home. The husband made no attempt to control the dog while the rescuer was removing Panther from the home. 

The rescuer then discovered Panther's tail had been ripped wide open and he was in terrible pain. Panther was immediately taken to a veterinarian. The veterinarian stated this wound did not just happen. Panther was sedated, the wound was cleaned and bandaged and Panther was given antibiotics and pain medicine. Panther's tail may still require amputation. 

All Paws Matter Animal Rescue contacted the legal adopter who insists the injury did not happen when he was in their care but the veterinarian who examined Panther stated this wound was at least 2-3 days old. Panther's veterinary bill is over $300 already and will only go higher.  

We are asking the local animal control and criminal authorities to charge Panther's adopter with neglect. 

All Paws Matter Animal Rescue is a very small rescue in western NC that relies on donations to cover their costs.

Please help defray Panther's veterinary costs contact the Boone Animal Emergency and Pet Care Clinic at 828-268-2833 let them know it's for All Paws. or donate directly to All Paws Paypal 

Thank you.

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