Melvin K. Pedersen, Chief of Police;
2410 48th Street South
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin 54494
Telephone: 715-424-1821
Fax Number: 715-424-0688
On November 6th, 2014 Sarah Wills received a phone call at 5:45 pm from her mother claiming that someone had unlocked (by key) the lock on her 2 shepherd's outdoor kennel. Sarah was told that Miley was missing from the kennel. The dogs were locked into the kennel while Sarah's mom was at work. Sarah immediately headed for her mom's home afraid Miley had gotten hurt or sick and had crawled off. Once at the home it was quite apparent someone had unlocked the lock and left the kennel gate open. Miley was gone and her sister Bailey was found hiding inside a dog house within the kennel being very distressed and shaken. Knowing that the two dogs would never leave one behind Sarah knew something was strange. Afraid someone had stolen Miley she had her mother call the police station to file a report of a missing dog. The officer asked for a description of the dog. Sarah now on the phone gave the officer the description and was told that Miley went into attack mode and his officer had to shoot her.
Sarah has been told several versions of the story about what happened. There was no investigation by the police department in to who could have trespassed and opened the kennel letting Miley loose resulting in her death. Sarah has no answers as to what happened and has been refused an investigation of the scene. This act has been approached as a loose dog report instead of that of trespassing and/or a possible felony crime committed by an intruder. Someone one trespassed, and either committed an act of animal cruelty or tried stealing the 2 dogs. Bailey was terrified and has sustained some broken teeth following that attempt of maliciousness.
One thing for certain is that Sarah says Miley was an awesome, friendly, loving and happy dog. She said "Miley, did not deserve to die this way. She loved people and other animals and never showed a fraction of aggression." Sarah was a victim twice on November a crime was committed upon her dogs at their home and a crime was committed when Officer Cody Conover pulled his weapon and shot Miley dead. No crime investigation has been conducted as to date and the police shooting was justified by the Chief of Police, Melvin Pederson without as much as an internal investigation.
So...We the People are demanding that an investigation be conducted at Sarah's parents home to find out what happened to the dogs who were secured by the locked kennel. We also demand that an outside investigation is conducted of the actual shooting by Officer Conover which killed Miley. We demand that through the findings of the investigation that Officer Cody Conover be terminated as a police officer and charged with Felony Animal Cruelty. That he be held personally and financially accountable for his actions which violated the Fourth Amendment Rights. That any and all court costs be paid for by the Grand Rapids Police Department and that a formal apology be given to Sarah Mills and family for the killing of their family pet, Miley.
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