Protect California Sea Otter

The California sea otter was listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act of 1977. At that time, the primary threat was oil spills. That still remains a primary threat today.

The Obama Administration wants to continue to expand risky offshore drilling in the Artic Ocean that would effect the California coasts before it has completely assessed the causes of the 2010 Gulf oil disaster and its effects on the wildlife that live there.

Furthermore, there is currently no viable method or plan to clean up a major spill in this remote and often treacherous ocean and surrounding region.

Tell the Obama Administration not to risk another tragic disaster in the region.

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone: (202)456.1111
Fax: (202)456-2461

The California sea otter was listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act of 1977. At that time, the primary threat was oil spills. That still remains a primary threat today.

The Obama Administration wants to continue to expand risky offshore drilling in the Artic Ocean that would effect the California coasts before it has completely assessed the causes of the 2010 Gulf oil disaster and its effects on the wildlife that live there.

Furthermore, there is currently no viable method or plan to clean up a major spill in this remote and often treacherous ocean and surrounding region.

Tell the Obama Administration not to risk another tragic disaster in the region.

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