Protect A'Mhoine peninsula's unique habitat from development as a rocket launchpad

Our thanks to Barbara Jones for donating this picture

A'Mhoine peninsula is a unique, yet fragile habitat of blanket bog(it is an SSSI, SAC, SPA and RAMSAR) - that is so valuable to the planet for reducing atmospheric CO2 to peat. It is a wild and beautiful part of Scotland that we should all protect and defend as our heritage and leave it as a legacy that is the birthright of Scots and the world! Surely a rocket launchpad could be sited somewhere less environmentally damaging.(SSSI=Site of Special Scientific Interest  SAC= Special Area of Conservation   SPA= Special Protection Area  RAMSAR= a wetland conservation  )

Aggiorna #14 anni fa
I forwarded the petition to HC with 1075 signatures to object to HIE's ill-conceived plan
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