Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to demand that Craigslist not sell live animals on their site. There is no way to monitor who purchases these animals from an online site such as this, placing many if not most of these animals in the wrong hands. Whether it is "free to a good home" or for a fee, we must ask them to please take down and ban any and all listings involving the sale or give-away of pets and live animals.
After the most recent case of animal abuse where the dog's were purchased supposedly from Craigslist, taken to a motel, brutalized and dismembered, we need to crack down on this site and stop any listings of live animals. This has not been the only case involving dogs secured through Craigslist.
Animals that are sold on Craigslist are unregulated and the people are unaware of where the animals are coming from, but they are also unaware of where their animals are going. For example:
People are often looking to re-home a pet for various reasons and trust people on answering the ad. Such was the cast with Gotti. “The guy that first got him lived in Chicago and he was sent to prison,” says animal control officer Susan Elliot. “So, Gotti wound up with a cousin who lived in Waukegan in a very gang infested area. He was living tied to a fence with no shelter. Also, when I arrived there were at least 10 thugs standing around drinking. The reason I know he was sold on Craigslist he had a microchip that was registered to the original owners.”
Anyone answering an ad for a pet is of course going to come across as being caring and loving but there is no real way to pre-screen such individuals, guaranteeing their authenticity. So many horrifying cases exists from animals offered on Craigslist. Doing so is the same as torturing the animal yourself. Do not offer a pet on this site and encourage Craigslist to stop listing live animals there. Protect the animals and follow safer protocol when looking for a "good" home for a pet you care about.
Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to demand that Craigslist not sell live animals on their site. There is no way to monitor who purchases these animals from an online site such as this, placing many if not most of these animals in the wrong hands. Whether it is "free to a good home" or for a fee, we must ask them to please take down and ban any and all listings involving the sale or give-away of pets and live animals.
Craigslist Officials - Save the life of animals; do not allow anyone to list an animal for sale or "free to good home" for any reason. Since these ads go to people all over the world, being unmonitored and unregulated, animals more often than not get into the wrong hands of people have a abuse and illegal actions in mind rather than providing loving care and nurture. So often, animals secured through your ads are tortured, abused, used in fighting, beaten, kicked and so much more. STOP THESE ADS! Ban any ads involving the sale of animals and pets on Craigslist and don't allow anyone to place them! You can save a life or two or more; don't allow these ads!
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