Deutsche Bank - Stop supporting Rainforest Destruction

  • destinatario:  Deutsche bank (Deutsche Bank) Green Party Germany (Green Party Germany)

"Deutsche Bank helps FELDA to take away our land and cut down rainforest," says Mazlan Aliman. The courageous farmer is voice of resistance in Malaysia. His cooperative is against the initial public offering of the palm oil giant FELDA, which is to take place on June 28, 2012. Because the money streaming in will be used for the large scale destruction of rainforest.

The Malaysian company FELDA wants to collect global holding company of ventures for new Palm oil plantations three billion dollars in the coming week on Malaysia's stock exchange. Deutsche Bank helps in the search for investors. FELDA is already the world's third-largest owner of palm oil monocultures, world's largest palm oil traders and a leading sugar producer.
Money for Rainforest destruction and votes

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