Please help me save my 4 legged Furries!!
A few years ago I had a petition Save Pandora and was a great success..
This petition is not an isolated case of Intimidation, racial prejudice, bias, judgement.
This petition is asking you for help to save my dogs.
Please let me explain.
I am from London and half Asian and live in Deganwy a beautiful part of North Wales. I have lived here 6 1/2 years. I have 2 beautiful grown up children. We are law abiding and never had any police trouble. We keep ourselves to ourselves and just want a peaceful life.
I have 4 beautiful animals.
A 4 year old Newfoundland who is the most adorable, soft loving animal you could wish for. She is a therapy dog for my chronically ill incapacitated son. She is loyal, devoted animal with no malice or aggression what so ever.
A welsh Collie who is a beautiful loyal animal that is devoted to his dog family and human family. He is not aggressive and never caused any harm. He is my friends dog but I look after him and he is also 4 years old.
Theres the Old Git. A beautiful Siberian Husky...who is 10years old barely can walk now and soft as butter. He is loving affectionate and has no aggressive streak.
Then there is Pandora. She is 4 years old. She has a character that melts your heart, is the most softest animal ever and loves life and people to the full. There is no malice or aggression what so ever with her. She is the epitome of soft and cuddly and love!
Since 2014 I have had neigbour complaints, speculatory accusations, judgement and bias on myself and my dogs. I do not work and love my dogs to the full making sure they have 4 hourly exercise daily and making sure all their needs are met. The incidences since 2014 include a Sheep Worrying Trial . We won this....but it carried on and on with Community Protection Notices on all my animals. These were imposed through lies, dramatised events and purjury in court. My Solicitor said to plead guilty to most of these CPNS as this would be the lesser stress so I did.
I honestly do believe it’s all racially motivated so I will leave where I am living.
This harassment is also on Facebook and there is hate crime against me and my dogs. I am a target for compensation and of course it’s drama. The sad thing in all of this is a professional Body is involved and they are exploiting their power to instigate these orders. This has now escalated into a Criminal Behaviour Order on me to stop my animals being off the lead in public and to keep them contained when they are home.
Last week the next wave of attack led to extreme vandalism on my property so it was no longer contained...the fences got kicked in and Pandora went for a little walk. pictures were taken and I breached my CBO.
One more breach even if no fault of my own will lead to Dog seizure.
Yesterday I ALSO received notice that my dogs (I live in a council house) have to be removed as the CBO has deemed me a nuisance tenant. If my dogs are removed there is a good chance they will be destroyed.
I am sorry this is so long winded but I am at my wits end. I am under the Mental Health team for extreme stress, paranoia and depression.
I have little monies as my benefits stopped and yes was re-instated as I care my son but with court fines is very low. I have no monies for a dog behaviourist to see my dogs and how beautiful and loving they are. I have very little power to save them!
I will not allow my dogs to be seized and I will fight this to the end!
My dogs are my life and they have done no wrong, harm or intimidation. They are well loved and cared for.
This whole shenanigans is based on drama, lies, purjery and hatred.
Please can you help me save my dogs by signing my petition. This relentless harassment, bullying and now seizure may be prevented if you help me.
Thankyou so much for reading this.
Firma la petizioneFirma la petizione