We Stopped Keystone XL - Now We Need to Stop Alberta Clipper

President Obama showed he's serious about caring for our climate when he rejected Keystone XL - but defeating one tar sands pipeline isn't enough.

Together, we stopped Keystone XL. It's up to us to use the momentum from that victory to stop Alberta Clipper next.

Alberta Clipper, or Line 67, pumps 450,000 barrels of tar sands oil each day through North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Federal, state, tribal, and private lands are all under threat, and most importantly, so is our climate. But oil giant Enbridge wants to nearly double the size of Alberta Clipper to 800,000 barrels a day - almost as big as Keystone XL! And they're using underhanded tricks to get around federal authority.

Canadian tar sands are one of the dirtiest fossil fuels on earth, but Alberta Clipper sends it through previous American land and wildlife habitat. That these pipelines exist already is bad enough; making one even bigger is the last thing we need. Everything that was true about Keystone XL is true about Alberta Clipper: NASA's top climate expert said this kind of tar sands expansion could mean "game over" for the climate, its mining is devastating for First Nation tribes, and its pipelines are more likely to spill.

Defeating Keystone XL sent a huge message: The government acknowledges that stopping new fossil fuel infrastructure and leaving the tar sands in the ground helps our threatened climate. Tell President Obama: Keep your climate promise, and reject the Alberta Clipper expansion!

Thank you for listenign to scientists and to the grassroots. When you rejected the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline permit, you demonstrated that stopping fossil fuel infrastructure and leaving the tar sands in the ground are important parts of the fight to save our shared global climate.

But everything that was true of Keystone XL is true of other tar sands pipelines - including Alberta Clipper, or Line 67. I call on you to keep your climate promise bydoing everything you can to stop Enbridge's expansion of this dangerous project!

Thank you, Mr. President.

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