Rowan University NEEDS better mental healh resources!

In light of a recent event, light has been shed upon a reoccurring issue here at Rowan University! Although the death that occurred today (12-11-17) may or may not be a confirmed Rowan University student the call to action is still just as valid. Throughout my five years here at Rowan I have personally struggled with my own mental demons and when seeking out resources (ones that Rowan openly advertises) I found a giant wall. A wall preventing me from getting the help I need. Although Rowan offers a crisis hotline that I believe would be resourceful, there is not much offered at Rowan University in regards to preventive and helpful measures to those in need! Rowan University's counseling center has a waitlist that can span for weeks!! As I live close by to Rowan I had the ability to seek outside mental health attention! For those under Rowan's health insurance or who commute from a farther distance the access to mental healthcare may not be as easy. The problem here at Rowan is that there NEEDS to be more money put toward the medical center more specifically a larger counseling staff and more openly available resources for students! Please sign this petition to show Rowan that we demand and need more money put towards their mental health and prevention budget!

UPDATE: Rowan has released a statement confirming the death was, in fact, a Rowan student. My condolences are with the family and friends of our fellow Rowan student's death! Once again I would like to reiterate that Rowan, as an institution, is not at fault for this grave occurrence. However, the death of this student is showing the importance for Rowan to increase their mental health resources and suicide PREVENTION! We as students are demanding a dialog be opened up between Rowan's leaders and their students.

Please keep signing and sharing!

Aggiorna #16 anni fa
If you are interested in starting a dialog for change click the link and join this group me! This groupme will be used to discuss ideas for action that we can present to Rowan if we are given the chance! Feel free to share this link with anyone else you believe is interested! Thank you guys for the support and please keep it growing so this can remain relevant going into winter break here at Rowan!
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