Hot Cars Are Deadly for Dogs - Make It Legal to Save Them!

  • da: Frances D
  • destinatario: The UK government

Every year, hundreds of dogs are left in hot cars to die. Anyone who rescues a dog by breaking the car's window is liable to be prosecuted.

Please sign this petition to demand that the law be changed so that anyone who rescues a dog from a hot car is safe from prosecution.

Dog owners generally don't realise how serious the risk is.

Temperatures inside a car on a hot day can spike dangerously high, even if the car is parked in the shade. In fact the RSPCA warns that the heat inside a vehicle can reach over double the temperature outside.

To save a dog's life, there is often no choice but to break a car window.

It can take as little as 15 minutes for a dog in a hot car to succumb to heatstroke or death. This means there's often not enough time to find the owner, or for rescue services to reach the scene. 

Please sign this petition and demand that the law be changed to protect anyone who smashes a car window to rescues a dog from a hot car. Together we can stand up for animals and those that protect them.

The UK Government:


Hundreds of dogs are left locked in dangerously hot cars each year in the UK. It can take as little as 15 minutes for the heat to kill a dog. 


Anyone who rescues a dog by breaking a car window is at risk of prosecution. It's time to protect people who rescue dogs from hot cars by updating the law.


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