Demand Facebook Shut Down "Mastering The Art of Cat Cooking" Page

Animal Advocates are repeatedly reporting the page "Mastering The Art of Cat Cooking" to Facebook because of their inhumane content, postings, photographs and statement of what they are about. However, Facebook continues to send reports back to advocates stating that the page does not violate their standards.

The page address is:

This page is an atrocity in the fight of animal advocacy and it should not in any way be taken lightly.

A vast increase in the number of animal cruelty cases is happening around our nation and around the world. Numerous studies and reports have shown that violence against animals escalates into violence against humans.

Our nation should be leading in standing against barbaric acts, rather than allowing them to be placed in social media settings where they can influence people to bring harm upon animals and/or people.

We demand that Facebook take this request seriously and remove this page immediately and set a standard of ethics to promote a policy of non-violence against animals. It is our hope that our nation's leaders would be as appalled as we are as advocates.

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
VICTORY!!! The page is GONE. Facebook sent me an email notifying me the page no longer existed a short while ago (2/23/2015 around 9:00 pm cst). Thank you EVERYONE for signing the Petition. It will still be delivered as planned with everyone's signatures. Thank you all again. Belief in continued change for all animals!
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