End the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. End Cruelty

  • da: Ashlee McDaniel
  • destinatario: Ambassador Cui Tiankai and Governor Mr. Chen Wu

Each year in Yulin, China, tens of thousands of dogs and cats are kidnapped from homes, shelters and streets. These animals are taken captive and held in inhumane conditions. They are not fed, given water or cared for. When the Yulin dog meat festival begins, sometime in June for 10 days, the animals are brought out into the streets and made the center of this sick festival.
During the festival these animals will be beaten, tortured, slaughtered and eaten. These animals are killed for sport and pure entertainment while people sit around and watch, cheering for these animals to be killed. The animals that are not killed are eaten alive because according to Yulin it is the most delicate meat and the most unique culinary experience.
This sick festival needs to end. Dogs, Cats and other animals are not food. They are not on this earth to be beaten, tortured and killed for consumption. They are family. They are living creatures that are capable of more love and compassion than any one of the sick people who partake in this festival. These animals need a voice. They need OUR voice. Sign this petition to end the inhumane slaughter of these innocent beings. Each and every person who signs this petition is one more voice that is being shouted at the Chinese government. They cannot ignore us for much longer. Our screams will pour across the continent and mesh with the cries of these animals. Yulin WILL hear us eventually, and when they do this sick tradition will end.

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