Are We Truly the Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave?

  • da: Anonymous
  • destinatario: President of the United States, United States Congress

Vice President Harris's statement during the news conference with Guatemalan President Giammattei saying,

"I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States-Mexico border: Do no come. Do not come."

was absolutely heartbreaking to hear.

Are we truly the land of the free and the home of the brave? Are we truly the country who people across the globe turn to when they need support, when they want to create a better, brighter future for themselves? Are we truly the citizens of a country who believes in the American Dream, however you choose to define it?

Because we are not acting like it.

Sixty percent of farm & factory workers who feed us are undocumented. We are able to eat because of their work. As one of my friends says, "This country literally eats off the blood, sweat, and trauma of the undocumented who are in this country."

They have families. They need to be reunited. They are human beings. They need to be treated, valued, and respected as such. As people who contribute to our economy and literally pick the food that is in our kitchens right now, all agricultural and farm workers deserve a pathway to USA citizenship.

We need to SHOW UP for the families separated at the border and the undocumented human beings who are seeking asylum and refuge in our country. Many of them show up for us by feeding us EVERY DAY.

If the United States of America is truly the land of the free and the home of the brave, then we better start acting like it.

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