Trump-Mart is having a huge sale. What's up for grabs? Nearly 30 million acres of pristine Alaska federal land.
According to a new report by the Center for American Progress 28.3 million acres of some of the most beautiful lands in America are at risk of being sold, transferred or leased out to oil, gas and mineral companies. One of the most upsetting of these is his directive to open up more than half - 9 million acres - of the Tongass National Forest up for exploration. Tongass, which spans 16.7 million acres across southern Alaska, is the largest national park in the United States and is home to many endangered flora and fauna.
It's as if Trump and his administration want to wring every last cent out of our federal lands.
But what they don't understand is that our lands, America's natural heritage, has intrinsic value just by existing. They serve as parks and outdoor recreation spaces for millions of us each year. But beyond that, Tongass and other lands potentially at risk serve as the habitat for thousands of animal and plant species.
Perhaps most importantly, forests are some of our last natural ways to fight off climate change. But instead of protecting them, this president wants to open them up. If this happens they will be inevitably logged to make rooms for roads, mines, and wells which will, in turn, put more fossil fuels into the market. It's literally the exact opposite of what we need to be doing to save our planet.
Tell Trump that our forests are not for sale, they are sacred. Sign the petition and tell Trump and the and his administration that you are against the destruction of 30 million acres of our pristine Alaska federal lands.