Developers have mowed, scraped and cleared much of the habitat the wildlife on Banning Ranch need to survive. The Banning Ranch Conservancy is fighting to put a permanent end to the habitat destruction, but we need your help.
Please sign our petition to the California Coastal Commission and help save the wildlife on Banning Ranch!
Developers want to build the equivalent of a small town on the 401 acres of Banning Ranch in Southern California. Vegetation removal of this magnitude is considered 'development' under the Coastal Act and requires a prior permit issued by the California Coastal Commission. No permit has been applied for, and no permit was ever issued!
The developer claims the vegetation clearance a necessity because it is an active oil field, yet there are few remaining active wells and no vegetation removal has been implemented outside of the area of their proposed residential development.
Only the California Coastal Commission has the jurisdiction and the authority to stop them. Banning Ranch is home to rare coastal birds and marine life, along with scores of defenseless wild animals, many at risk of displacement or death.
Please help save the wildlife on Banning Ranch and sign our petition urging the California Coastal Commission to protect this sensitive habitat and its wildlife by instituting a permanent limitation of the vegetation removal inline with that of the Orange County Fire Authority and the Division of Oil Gas and Geothermal Resources.