Increase monthly allowance of patients living in adult family homes

    In adult family home which are long term care facilities patients are charged around 90% of their social security checks, it's calculated that whatever they make they are left with $105 of their money. If they go find work I was told they are charged their entire work check. The way it was worded is they are allowed only so much of their money. Lastly I was told we are not allowed to have over $2000 in our account as it considered over resource. I dont know who made up these rules but I'm petitioning DSHS and the Washington state legislature and the Washington state governor to pass laws limiting how much DSHS charges its clients/tenents/patients no more than 70% of their Social security checks and not to charge them their work checks as we need to buy cloths, shoes, take uber to reach our appointments. Its not a lot to ask
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