Oregon Wolves Need Signatures to Stay Alive

  • da: The Avenger
  • destinatario: Governor Kate Brown, Oregon Fish & Wildlife, Bureau of Land & Management

With only fewer than 100 wolves when at one time more than 2000-4000 thrived, State wildlife biologists are expected to recommend on November 9, 2015 to a) Removing or loosening endangered species act statewide b) making changes to remove east OR wolves (where most live) c) making no changes.

Wolves are great for the ecosystem. Please click onto this video:


Our OR-7 and family could be killed too.

Concerns of political influence on Fish & Wildlife scientists were made.

Although grateful to all signers, this plea to sign is requesting Oregon signers especially because of its importance for OR govenor Kate Brown to recognize the importance of wolves to OR people and to understand and acknowledge the OR wolves' lives are at stake! They could all be killed off like they did in some states already. Your grand or great grand kids will no longer know first hand of the beauty, the intelligence and athletic agility of these wonderful beasts.

Aggiorna #59 anni fa
It's now up to Governor Kate Brown of OR to make or break the wolf population of only about 100 wolves. Legislation passed a law to legalize minimalizing wolf population even if Federal biologists suggested OR can handle about 4000 wolves.Please join me to petition the governor to not pass this law into effect. She can be reached at 503-378-4582, 1-844-872-4681 or www.usa.gov/OR-governor. Thank you for the OR wolves' existence.
Aggiorna #49 anni fa
The Oregonian recently wrote "OR is still governed by wolf management plan...." ."Phase 3 of the wolf plan, the next step after delisting, calls for wolves to be managed in concert with its wild prey base." This is a move strongly supported by groups such as Rocky Mt. Elk Foundation who wrote to Fish & Wildlife "OR's wolf population is rapidly approaching....".

There are only 88 known wolves in OR. Hunters are so worried that their thousands of elk and deer will be slain by our few 88 wolves.
Aggiorna #39 anni fa
Looks like OR wolves are off the endangered species list although conservationists argue for Fish & Wildlife to make such recommendations, they must first be reviewed by outside panel of scientist experts and the commissioners have not met that obligation. As regardless they went ahead and delisted them.
Once again the government failed us and that includes Kate Brown the Governor of OR as writings have been made in the Oregonian to delisting being too early!
Aggiorna #29 anni fa
It seems a wolf killed a cattle and wounded two others a weekend ago. The timing is too coincidental to the decision time for delisting or not and makes one wonder if the wolf was intentionally lured to kill the abandoned cattle at the wolves' territory. Until that happened, there was no mention of any killings of cattle for a very long time.
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
State scientists advised Fish & Wildlife to take wolves off protection list with a strange theory of if taken off the list, they will continue to find new range and grow in number. And if they don't take them off the list, more people will poach and kill them legally. In reality, they timed it so the wolves' winter furs are at their best for pelting and easy to track on snow. They plan to vote on Nov. 9. Please twitter, facebook, email your contacts immediately to sign this petition.
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