Tell Urban Decay not to sell to L'Oréal

  • da: Sarah D.
  • destinatario: David Soward, Wende Zomnir, Patricia Holmes, Sandy Lerner

For years Urban Decay has assured its fans and customers that it does not test its products on animal and refuses to allow other companies to test on its behalf.  This has made them popular with animal rights and animal welfare activists.  A while ago Urban Decay considered selling products in China, a country that has landed itself on a list for being one of the worst violators of animal and human rights.  Because of this, Urban Decay was removed from PETA's list of cruelty-free companies.  Thankfully, though, Urban Decay made the smart and kind move to not sell its products in China. 

But now, it seems that Urban Decay is going astray again.  L'Oréal announced that it wants to buy Urban Decay.  If Urban Decay allows L'Oréal to buy its products it will once again result in it being removed from the list of cruelty-free companies.  L'Oréal is known for testing on animals, so why does Urban Decay want to land itself in hot water again by contradicting its cruelty-free policy? 

Urge Urban Decay to not sell to L'Oréal.  

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