Keep C.A.T.S. has been established for nearly a decade and we still receive many unwanted litters. This would be impossible to eradicate without mandatory sterilization as many ignorant people continue to breed, intentionally or not, their pets.
Animal shelters waste much resources rehoming and putting down the result of these "surpluses" and while the figure has decreased over the years, it still stands at an overwhelming sum.
Let us urge the government to impose a mandatory sterilisation for all our cats, dogs and rabbits, except for registered breeders and our furry pals who are too weak to go through with the procedure.
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Aggiorna #27 anni fa
Thank you for your messages! Please write more!
Some good ones:
Philippa P.:
This will help curb unnecessary breeding and alleviate the substantial burden on local rescue organisations (and hopefully put the deplorable pet mills out of business for good!).
Victoria N:
There are too many pets beind breed for money, and unfortunately not all pet owners are responsible. Too many abandoned pets around and these poor unfortunate pets are thrown out like garbage. Very sad.
Thank you !! <3
Aggiorna #17 anni fa
Thank you for signing! Never imagined to have 250 signatures in 2 days, please keep it going, we need all the support we have!