Optimize Instagram for Android Tablets
Applications for Android tablets are out there, but they are still not really up to snuff. Anyone who owns an Android tablet would tend to agree; we need more tablet apps! Especially ones by major companies, such as Instagram (now Facebook-owned). If they don't develop proper tablet apps, they set a terrible example for all of the smaller developers out there. We need to convince them that its worth it!
Instagram is a prime example of poor application development. The portrait-only mode looks terrible on tablets, even on Apple's iPad (although it looks even worse on a 16:9 display, which represents most Android tablets).
Make your voice heard!
Sign this petition to help convince the developers behind Instagram to optimize their application for devices like the Nexus 10, Samsung Galaxy Tab, and the ASUS Transformer series. We need to band together in order to show them that we do indeed matter!
Dear Kevin Systrom;
We would like to officially request that you take developing an optimized application for Android tablets and especially those with high-resolution displays seriously. Google has set guidelines - and you are either not following them or not providing graphical assets for the latest crop of devices.
This is especially pertinent for devices like the Nexus 10 and upcoming ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity, and the Toshiba Excite Pro and Write, with 2560x1500 displays. A proper layout and high-resolution graphical assets are important for devices like these.
Android is a dominant platform in the mobile scene, and it is the most popular and fastest growing electronics platform in the world. Android tablets have nearly, if not already, surpassed Apple tablets in market share. Many sources state that as of last month, Apple held the lead - but it would be lost to Android this very quarter. See the links below for more information.
Hence, Android users want to be treated seriously. We want an Instagram application that is fully optimized for our devices and the devices of the future. So please, give us a proper layout and proper graphical assets.
Thank you for your time.
The Android Tablet Community
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