Let’s Change the Thinking in Fighting Cancer ~ MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Picture me sitting in front of you reading this information to you. We are not rag dolls and too often we hear someone dying of cancer instead of hearing how we can prevent this disease from happening or at least cut it in half. We live in a fast pace world and so many of us believe what we hear and also use what’s on the market because we do not think that our society will harm us. Wait, I was one of these people and know based on experience how this works.
We need to educate ourselves on the main goal and that is to prevent cancer. Knowledge if used is power ~ but because we all live in such a quick moving pace there never seems to be enough time to think or to research. I decided to write this for anyone that cares to do something about it. My hope is that we all can spread the knowledge and live a healthier lifestyle.
Thinking back to when we were a child, do you remember ever having a pet turtle? Well, it hit me the other week and how much I wanted to go back to those days and enjoy my pet turtle. So off to the pet store I went and there were turtles and supplies for them. I was overjoyed with laughter for now I have my pet turtle. The pet store clerk gave me a brief lesson on how to take care of them. I purchased two plus a little aquarium (like a bowl that I had when I was a child with a palm tree and steps for them to get out of the water.) He told me that the turtles will only live up to five months.
Life is like this; you sometimes begin what you intend to do prior to doing the research. I went home after and did some research and saw that the turtles needed a bigger home and healthy foods. The small bowls are called death bowls. I learned what to do to keep them around for a long time with a quality of life. I went back to the pet store and got a larger aquarium with healthier food and even a filter. Now, I know that my turtles will be happier. They are able to swim and exercise with more room to enjoy life.
My last cry for help is about sharing what I have learned with my experiences with cancer and much like my turtles trying to educate the public on what other treatments are out there without side effects. We go to the doctor and he tells us we have cancer and without researching we believe what he says and go along with it because others do and the insurance will only pay for what he says. This is why I am doing this petition, because I know that there are other types of treatments that work and are not paid by the insurance companies. I want others to have this quality of life without cut, burn or poison and side effects. Please join me and lets change the mode of chemo and radiation for they are still experimenting on us with this type of treatment, why not be experimenting with other ways without side effects and have the insurance companies pay for those .
Prevention is the key. However; our DNA plays a great role in our behavior and attitude on how we live. Through all the above findings one can begin to change the DNA and you can stay healthier.
Now, if you or someone you know has cancer there are options out there. This is the age of communication and it is a big world, look and see what other countries are doing to manage cancer other than cut, poison and burn. I have studied options for over four years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Check out my option www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com for I have learned that managing cancer is a scientific approach and it’s your blueprint that needs to be changed.
My goal is to make it FDA approved so insurance companies will pay for this type of treatment, because I believe that we should have options that can be done without breaking our bank account. I hear from people all the time two responses to what I am writing. First, I wish I can do what you did, but I do not have the money or if your option would be FDA approved the doctors and the outpatient cancer clinics will go out of business. I have answers to these remarks.
First, cancer is a money making business, even if we have insurance it does not pay for all the treatments. At some point it max’s out and you have to pay something out of your own pocket. So you have to decide what is worth more, your life or the money you put into your treatment.
Second, I feel that the new age will continue to advance and doctors and the medical industry will grow financially with this option. Instead of all these chemo clinics, we can have stem cell banks, hyperthermia clinics, ozone clinics. We need to understand that cancer cells will die with heat and oxygen. With the new age we need to create new ideas and techniques to use to treat this disease with these two findings.
I am not saying that people should not totally stop chemo treatments, if that is truly what they believe will cure them. I am merely suggesting that we have more than one option on the table that our insurance companies will pay for. For example, mine would pay for the hospital stay in the states for surgery and then after chemo and radiation, but would not cover the hospital stay in Mexico even though it was ten times cheaper. I did not expect them to cover the non FDA approved treatments, but the hospital stay!! The fact is that it was cheaper than having to go through the conventional way and the suffering. It’s funny, but they paid after the fact the MRI’s, CT Scans and lab work that showed the cancer leaving my body.
Please stand up with me and change the thinking of our health industry and help me convince our politicians and physicians that there is a better way to fight cancer without side effects and have immune therapy a type of treatment available to all with the insurance paying even some of it. We need to not be treated like rag dolls but as human beings. Let’s share this so that others can start to educate themselves and begin to manage a healthier lifestyle.
Individually we are a drop, but together we are an ocean. The ocean turns into the sea, which surrounds this big world. So let’s begin today and talk about it among our friends. Support this cause and stand up to a better option to destroy cancer. Thanks
FOR MORE INFORMATION ~ www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com
Let’s Change the Thinking in Fighting Cancer ~ MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Picture me sitting in front of you reading this information to you. We are not rag dolls and too often we hear someone dying of cancer instead of hearing how we can prevent this disease from happening or at least cut it in half. We live in a fast pace world and so many of us believe what we hear and also use what’s on the market because we do not think that our society will harm us. Wait, I was one of these people and know based on experience how this works.
We need to educate ourselves on the main goal and that is to prevent cancer. Knowledge if used is power ~ but because we all live in such a quick moving pace there never seems to be enough time to think or to research. I decided to write this for anyone that cares to do something about it. My hope is that we all can spread the knowledge and live a healthier lifestyle.
Thinking back to when we were a child, do you remember ever having a pet turtle? Well, it hit me the other week and how much I wanted to go back to those days and enjoy my pet turtle. So off to the pet store I went and there were turtles and supplies for them. I was overjoyed with laughter for now I have my pet turtle. The pet store clerk gave me a brief lesson on how to take care of them. I purchased two plus a little aquarium (like a bowl that I had when I was a child with a palm tree and steps for them to get out of the water.) He told me that the turtles will only live up to five months.
Life is like this; you sometimes begin what you intend to do prior to doing the research. I went home after and did some research and saw that the turtles needed a bigger home and healthy foods. The small bowls are called death bowls. I learned what to do to keep them around for a long time with a quality of life. I went back to the pet store and got a larger aquarium with healthier food and even a filter. Now, I know that my turtles will be happier. They are able to swim and exercise with more room to enjoy life.
My last cry for help is about sharing what I have learned with my experiences with cancer and much like my turtles trying to educate the public on what other treatments are out there without side effects. We go to the doctor and he tells us we have cancer and without researching we believe what he says and go along with it because others do and the insurance will only pay for what he says. This is why I am doing this petition, because I know that there are other types of treatments that work and are not paid by the insurance companies. I want others to have this quality of life without cut, burn or poison and side effects. Please join me and lets change the mode of chemo and radiation for they are still experimenting on us with this type of treatment, why not be experimenting with other ways without side effects and have the insurance companies pay for those .
Prevention is the key. However; our DNA plays a great role in our behavior and attitude on how we live. Through all the above findings one can begin to change the DNA and you can stay healthier.
Now, if you or someone you know has cancer there are options out there. This is the age of communication and it is a big world, look and see what other countries are doing to manage cancer other than cut, poison and burn. I have studied options for over four years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Check out my option www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com for I have learned that managing cancer is a scientific approach and it’s your blueprint that needs to be changed.
My goal is to make it FDA approved so insurance companies will pay for this type of treatment, because I believe that we should have options that can be done without breaking our bank account. I hear from people all the time two responses to what I am writing. First, I wish I can do what you did, but I do not have the money or if your option would be FDA approved the doctors and the outpatient cancer clinics will go out of business. I have answers to these remarks.
First, cancer is a money making business, even if we have insurance it does not pay for all the treatments. At some point it max’s out and you have to pay something out of your own pocket. So you have to decide what is worth more, your life or the money you put into your treatment.
Second, I feel that the new age will continue to advance and doctors and the medical industry will grow financially with this option. Instead of all these chemo clinics, we can have stem cell banks, hyperthermia clinics, ozone clinics. We need to understand that cancer cells will die with heat and oxygen. With the new age we need to create new ideas and techniques to use to treat this disease with these two findings.
I am not saying that people should not totally stop chemo treatments, if that is truly what they believe will cure them. I am merely suggesting that we have more than one option on the table that our insurance companies will pay for. For example, mine would pay for the hospital stay in the states for surgery and then after chemo and radiation, but would not cover the hospital stay in Mexico even though it was ten times cheaper. I did not expect them to cover the non FDA approved treatments, but the hospital stay!! The fact is that it was cheaper than having to go through the conventional way and the suffering. It’s funny, but they paid after the fact the MRI’s, CT Scans and lab work that showed the cancer leaving my body.
Please stand up with me and change the thinking of our health industry and help me convince our politicians and physicians that there is a better way to fight cancer without side effects and have immune therapy a type of treatment available to all with the insurance paying even some of it. We need to not be treated like rag dolls but as human beings. Let’s share this so that others can start to educate themselves and begin to manage a healthier lifestyle.
Individually we are a drop, but together we are an ocean. The ocean turns into the sea, which surrounds this big world. So let’s begin today and talk about it among our friends. Support this cause and stand up to a better option to destroy cancer. Thanks
FOR MORE INFORMATION ~ www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com
Let’s Change the Thinking in Fighting Cancer ~ MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Picture me sitting in front of you reading this information to you. We are not rag dolls and too often we hear someone dying of cancer instead of hearing how we can prevent this disease from happening or at least cut it in half. We live in a fast pace world and so many of us believe what we hear and also use what’s on the market because we do not think that our society will harm us. Wait, I was one of these people and know based on experience how this works.
We need to educate ourselves on the main goal and that is to prevent cancer. Knowledge if used is power ~ but because we all live in such a quick moving pace there never seems to be enough time to think or to research. I decided to write this for anyone that cares to do something about it. My hope is that we all can spread the knowledge and live a healthier lifestyle.
Thinking back to when we were a child, do you remember ever having a pet turtle? Well, it hit me the other week and how much I wanted to go back to those days and enjoy my pet turtle. So off to the pet store I went and there were turtles and supplies for them. I was overjoyed with laughter for now I have my pet turtle. The pet store clerk gave me a brief lesson on how to take care of them. I purchased two plus a little aquarium (like a bowl that I had when I was a child with a palm tree and steps for them to get out of the water.) He told me that the turtles will only live up to five months.
Life is like this; you sometimes begin what you intend to do prior to doing the research. I went home after and did some research and saw that the turtles needed a bigger home and healthy foods. The small bowls are called death bowls. I learned what to do to keep them around for a long time with a quality of life. I went back to the pet store and got a larger aquarium with healthier food and even a filter. Now, I know that my turtles will be happier. They are able to swim and exercise with more room to enjoy life.
My last cry for help is about sharing what I have learned with my experiences with cancer and much like my turtles trying to educate the public on what other treatments are out there without side effects. We go to the doctor and he tells us we have cancer and without researching we believe what he says and go along with it because others do and the insurance will only pay for what he says. This is why I am doing this petition, because I know that there are other types of treatments that work and are not paid by the insurance companies. I want others to have this quality of life without cut, burn or poison and side effects. Please join me and lets change the mode of chemo and radiation for they are still experimenting on us with this type of treatment, why not be experimenting with other ways without side effects and have the insurance companies pay for those .
Prevention is the key. However; our DNA plays a great role in our behavior and attitude on how we live. Through all the above findings one can begin to change the DNA and you can stay healthier.
Now, if you or someone you know has cancer there are options out there. This is the age of communication and it is a big world, look and see what other countries are doing to manage cancer other than cut, poison and burn. I have studied options for over four years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Check out my option www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com for I have learned that managing cancer is a scientific approach and it’s your blueprint that needs to be changed.
My goal is to make it FDA approved so insurance companies will pay for this type of treatment, because I believe that we should have options that can be done without breaking our bank account. I hear from people all the time two responses to what I am writing. First, I wish I can do what you did, but I do not have the money or if your option would be FDA approved the doctors and the outpatient cancer clinics will go out of business. I have answers to these remarks.
First, cancer is a money making business, even if we have insurance it does not pay for all the treatments. At some point it max’s out and you have to pay something out of your own pocket. So you have to decide what is worth more, your life or the money you put into your treatment.
Second, I feel that the new age will continue to advance and doctors and the medical industry will grow financially with this option. Instead of all these chemo clinics, we can have stem cell banks, hyperthermia clinics, ozone clinics. We need to understand that cancer cells will die with heat and oxygen. With the new age we need to create new ideas and techniques to use to treat this disease with these two findings.
I am not saying that people should not totally stop chemo treatments, if that is truly what they believe will cure them. I am merely suggesting that we have more than one option on the table that our insurance companies will pay for. For example, mine would pay for the hospital stay in the states for surgery and then after chemo and radiation, but would not cover the hospital stay in Mexico even though it was ten times cheaper. I did not expect them to cover the non FDA approved treatments, but the hospital stay!! The fact is that it was cheaper than having to go through the conventional way and the suffering. It’s funny, but they paid after the fact the MRI’s, CT Scans and lab work that showed the cancer leaving my body.
Please stand up with me and change the thinking of our health industry and help me convince our politicians and physicians that there is a better way to fight cancer without side effects and have immune therapy a type of treatment available to all with the insurance paying even some of it. We need to not be treated like rag dolls but as human beings. Let’s share this so that others can start to educate themselves and begin to manage a healthier lifestyle.
Individually we are a drop, but together we are an ocean. The ocean turns into the sea, which surrounds this big world. So let’s begin today and talk about it among our friends. Support this cause and stand up to a better option to destroy cancer. Thanks
FOR MORE INFORMATION ~ www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com
Let’s Change the Thinking in Fighting Cancer ~ MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Picture me sitting in front of you reading this information to you. We are not rag dolls and too often we hear someone dying of cancer instead of hearing how we can prevent this disease from happening or at least cut it in half. We live in a fast pace world and so many of us believe what we hear and also use what’s on the market because we do not think that our society will harm us. Wait, I was one of these people and know based on experience how this works.
We need to educate ourselves on the main goal and that is to prevent cancer. Knowledge if used is power ~ but because we all live in such a quick moving pace there never seems to be enough time to think or to research. I decided to write this for anyone that cares to do something about it. My hope is that we all can spread the knowledge and live a healthier lifestyle.
Thinking back to when we were a child, do you remember ever having a pet turtle? Well, it hit me the other week and how much I wanted to go back to those days and enjoy my pet turtle. So off to the pet store I went and there were turtles and supplies for them. I was overjoyed with laughter for now I have my pet turtle. The pet store clerk gave me a brief lesson on how to take care of them. I purchased two plus a little aquarium (like a bowl that I had when I was a child with a palm tree and steps for them to get out of the water.) He told me that the turtles will only live up to five months.
Life is like this; you sometimes begin what you intend to do prior to doing the research. I went home after and did some research and saw that the turtles needed a bigger home and healthy foods. The small bowls are called death bowls. I learned what to do to keep them around for a long time with a quality of life. I went back to the pet store and got a larger aquarium with healthier food and even a filter. Now, I know that my turtles will be happier. They are able to swim and exercise with more room to enjoy life.
My last cry for help is about sharing what I have learned with my experiences with cancer and much like my turtles trying to educate the public on what other treatments are out there without side effects. We go to the doctor and he tells us we have cancer and without researching we believe what he says and go along with it because others do and the insurance will only pay for what he says. This is why I am doing this petition, because I know that there are other types of treatments that work and are not paid by the insurance companies. I want others to have this quality of life without cut, burn or poison and side effects. Please join me and lets change the mode of chemo and radiation for they are still experimenting on us with this type of treatment, why not be experimenting with other ways without side effects and have the insurance companies pay for those .
Prevention is the key. However; our DNA plays a great role in our behavior and attitude on how we live. Through all the above findings one can begin to change the DNA and you can stay healthier.
Now, if you or someone you know has cancer there are options out there. This is the age of communication and it is a big world, look and see what other countries are doing to manage cancer other than cut, poison and burn. I have studied options for over four years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Check out my option www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com for I have learned that managing cancer is a scientific approach and it’s your blueprint that needs to be changed.
My goal is to make it FDA approved so insurance companies will pay for this type of treatment, because I believe that we should have options that can be done without breaking our bank account. I hear from people all the time two responses to what I am writing. First, I wish I can do what you did, but I do not have the money or if your option would be FDA approved the doctors and the outpatient cancer clinics will go out of business. I have answers to these remarks.
First, cancer is a money making business, even if we have insurance it does not pay for all the treatments. At some point it max’s out and you have to pay something out of your own pocket. So you have to decide what is worth more, your life or the money you put into your treatment.
Second, I feel that the new age will continue to advance and doctors and the medical industry will grow financially with this option. Instead of all these chemo clinics, we can have stem cell banks, hyperthermia clinics, ozone clinics. We need to understand that cancer cells will die with heat and oxygen. With the new age we need to create new ideas and techniques to use to treat this disease with these two findings.
I am not saying that people should not totally stop chemo treatments, if that is truly what they believe will cure them. I am merely suggesting that we have more than one option on the table that our insurance companies will pay for. For example, mine would pay for the hospital stay in the states for surgery and then after chemo and radiation, but would not cover the hospital stay in Mexico even though it was ten times cheaper. I did not expect them to cover the non FDA approved treatments, but the hospital stay!! The fact is that it was cheaper than having to go through the conventional way and the suffering. It’s funny, but they paid after the fact the MRI’s, CT Scans and lab work that showed the cancer leaving my body.
Please stand up with me and change the thinking of our health industry and help me convince our politicians and physicians that there is a better way to fight cancer without side effects and have immune therapy a type of treatment available to all with the insurance paying even some of it. We need to not be treated like rag dolls but as human beings. Let’s share this so that others can start to educate themselves and begin to manage a healthier lifestyle.
Individually we are a drop, but together we are an ocean. The ocean turns into the sea, which surrounds this big world. So let’s begin today and talk about it among our friends. Support this cause and stand up to a better option to destroy cancer. Thanks
FOR MORE INFORMATION ~ www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com
Let’s Change the Thinking in Fighting Cancer ~ MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Picture me sitting in front of you reading this information to you. We are not rag dolls and too often we hear someone dying of cancer instead of hearing how we can prevent this disease from happening or at least cut it in half. We live in a fast pace world and so many of us believe what we hear and also use what’s on the market because we do not think that our society will harm us. Wait, I was one of these people and know based on experience how this works.
We need to educate ourselves on the main goal and that is to prevent cancer. Knowledge if used is power ~ but because we all live in such a quick moving pace there never seems to be enough time to think or to research. I decided to write this for anyone that cares to do something about it. My hope is that we all can spread the knowledge and live a healthier lifestyle.
Thinking back to when we were a child, do you remember ever having a pet turtle? Well, it hit me the other week and how much I wanted to go back to those days and enjoy my pet turtle. So off to the pet store I went and there were turtles and supplies for them. I was overjoyed with laughter for now I have my pet turtle. The pet store clerk gave me a brief lesson on how to take care of them. I purchased two plus a little aquarium (like a bowl that I had when I was a child with a palm tree and steps for them to get out of the water.) He told me that the turtles will only live up to five months.
Life is like this; you sometimes begin what you intend to do prior to doing the research. I went home after and did some research and saw that the turtles needed a bigger home and healthy foods. The small bowls are called death bowls. I learned what to do to keep them around for a long time with a quality of life. I went back to the pet store and got a larger aquarium with healthier food and even a filter. Now, I know that my turtles will be happier. They are able to swim and exercise with more room to enjoy life.
My last cry for help is about sharing what I have learned with my experiences with cancer and much like my turtles trying to educate the public on what other treatments are out there without side effects. We go to the doctor and he tells us we have cancer and without researching we believe what he says and go along with it because others do and the insurance will only pay for what he says. This is why I am doing this petition, because I know that there are other types of treatments that work and are not paid by the insurance companies. I want others to have this quality of life without cut, burn or poison and side effects. Please join me and lets change the mode of chemo and radiation for they are still experimenting on us with this type of treatment, why not be experimenting with other ways without side effects and have the insurance companies pay for those .
Prevention is the key. However; our DNA plays a great role in our behavior and attitude on how we live. Through all the above findings one can begin to change the DNA and you can stay healthier.
Now, if you or someone you know has cancer there are options out there. This is the age of communication and it is a big world, look and see what other countries are doing to manage cancer other than cut, poison and burn. I have studied options for over four years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Check out my option www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com for I have learned that managing cancer is a scientific approach and it’s your blueprint that needs to be changed.
My goal is to make it FDA approved so insurance companies will pay for this type of treatment, because I believe that we should have options that can be done without breaking our bank account. I hear from people all the time two responses to what I am writing. First, I wish I can do what you did, but I do not have the money or if your option would be FDA approved the doctors and the outpatient cancer clinics will go out of business. I have answers to these remarks.
First, cancer is a money making business, even if we have insurance it does not pay for all the treatments. At some point it max’s out and you have to pay something out of your own pocket. So you have to decide what is worth more, your life or the money you put into your treatment.
Second, I feel that the new age will continue to advance and doctors and the medical industry will grow financially with this option. Instead of all these chemo clinics, we can have stem cell banks, hyperthermia clinics, ozone clinics. We need to understand that cancer cells will die with heat and oxygen. With the new age we need to create new ideas and techniques to use to treat this disease with these two findings.
I am not saying that people should not totally stop chemo treatments, if that is truly what they believe will cure them. I am merely suggesting that we have more than one option on the table that our insurance companies will pay for. For example, mine would pay for the hospital stay in the states for surgery and then after chemo and radiation, but would not cover the hospital stay in Mexico even though it was ten times cheaper. I did not expect them to cover the non FDA approved treatments, but the hospital stay!! The fact is that it was cheaper than having to go through the conventional way and the suffering. It’s funny, but they paid after the fact the MRI’s, CT Scans and lab work that showed the cancer leaving my body.
Please stand up with me and change the thinking of our health industry and help me convince our politicians and physicians that there is a better way to fight cancer without side effects and have immune therapy a type of treatment available to all with the insurance paying even some of it. We need to not be treated like rag dolls but as human beings. Let’s share this so that others can start to educate themselves and begin to manage a healthier lifestyle.
Individually we are a drop, but together we are an ocean. The ocean turns into the sea, which surrounds this big world. So let’s begin today and talk about it among our friends. Support this cause and stand up to a better option to destroy cancer. Thanks
FOR MORE INFORMATION ~ www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com
Let’s Change the Thinking in Fighting Cancer ~ MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Picture me sitting in front of you reading this information to you. We are not rag dolls and too often we hear someone dying of cancer instead of hearing how we can prevent this disease from happening or at least cut it in half. We live in a fast pace world and so many of us believe what we hear and also use what’s on the market because we do not think that our society will harm us. Wait, I was one of these people and know based on experience how this works.
We need to educate ourselves on the main goal and that is to prevent cancer. Knowledge if used is power ~ but because we all live in such a quick moving pace there never seems to be enough time to think or to research. I decided to write this for anyone that cares to do something about it. My hope is that we all can spread the knowledge and live a healthier lifestyle.
Thinking back to when we were a child, do you remember ever having a pet turtle? Well, it hit me the other week and how much I wanted to go back to those days and enjoy my pet turtle. So off to the pet store I went and there were turtles and supplies for them. I was overjoyed with laughter for now I have my pet turtle. The pet store clerk gave me a brief lesson on how to take care of them. I purchased two plus a little aquarium (like a bowl that I had when I was a child with a palm tree and steps for them to get out of the water.) He told me that the turtles will only live up to five months.
Life is like this; you sometimes begin what you intend to do prior to doing the research. I went home after and did some research and saw that the turtles needed a bigger home and healthy foods. The small bowls are called death bowls. I learned what to do to keep them around for a long time with a quality of life. I went back to the pet store and got a larger aquarium with healthier food and even a filter. Now, I know that my turtles will be happier. They are able to swim and exercise with more room to enjoy life.
My last cry for help is about sharing what I have learned with my experiences with cancer and much like my turtles trying to educate the public on what other treatments are out there without side effects. We go to the doctor and he tells us we have cancer and without researching we believe what he says and go along with it because others do and the insurance will only pay for what he says. This is why I am doing this petition, because I know that there are other types of treatments that work and are not paid by the insurance companies. I want others to have this quality of life without cut, burn or poison and side effects. Please join me and lets change the mode of chemo and radiation for they are still experimenting on us with this type of treatment, why not be experimenting with other ways without side effects and have the insurance companies pay for those .
Prevention is the key. However; our DNA plays a great role in our behavior and attitude on how we live. Through all the above findings one can begin to change the DNA and you can stay healthier.
Now, if you or someone you know has cancer there are options out there. This is the age of communication and it is a big world, look and see what other countries are doing to manage cancer other than cut, poison and burn. I have studied options for over four years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Check out my option www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com for I have learned that managing cancer is a scientific approach and it’s your blueprint that needs to be changed.
My goal is to make it FDA approved so insurance companies will pay for this type of treatment, because I believe that we should have options that can be done without breaking our bank account. I hear from people all the time two responses to what I am writing. First, I wish I can do what you did, but I do not have the money or if your option would be FDA approved the doctors and the outpatient cancer clinics will go out of business. I have answers to these remarks.
First, cancer is a money making business, even if we have insurance it does not pay for all the treatments. At some point it max’s out and you have to pay something out of your own pocket. So you have to decide what is worth more, your life or the money you put into your treatment.
Second, I feel that the new age will continue to advance and doctors and the medical industry will grow financially with this option. Instead of all these chemo clinics, we can have stem cell banks, hyperthermia clinics, ozone clinics. We need to understand that cancer cells will die with heat and oxygen. With the new age we need to create new ideas and techniques to use to treat this disease with these two findings.
I am not saying that people should not totally stop chemo treatments, if that is truly what they believe will cure them. I am merely suggesting that we have more than one option on the table that our insurance companies will pay for. For example, mine would pay for the hospital stay in the states for surgery and then after chemo and radiation, but would not cover the hospital stay in Mexico even though it was ten times cheaper. I did not expect them to cover the non FDA approved treatments, but the hospital stay!! The fact is that it was cheaper than having to go through the conventional way and the suffering. It’s funny, but they paid after the fact the MRI’s, CT Scans and lab work that showed the cancer leaving my body.
Please stand up with me and change the thinking of our health industry and help me convince our politicians and physicians that there is a better way to fight cancer without side effects and have immune therapy a type of treatment available to all with the insurance paying even some of it. We need to not be treated like rag dolls but as human beings. Let’s share this so that others can start to educate themselves and begin to manage a healthier lifestyle.
Individually we are a drop, but together we are an ocean. The ocean turns into the sea, which surrounds this big world. So let’s begin today and talk about it among our friends. Support this cause and stand up to a better option to destroy cancer. Thanks
FOR MORE INFORMATION ~ www.thejourneytogoodhealth.com
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