8 Species of bat, otters, ospreys, hedgehogs, rare butterflies, flowers, birds - sparrowhawk and kestrel, badgers, insects, ancient woodland, hedges, bluebell woods are all at risk from development of car parks in a rural town and village.
Update - currently being developed prior to planning consent, land former mine sites, some not mapped, and landfill with risk to people and property from gas at the least. Undisturbed since 1960s.
Heritage is at risk: old pack horse bridge may carry thousands of cars.
Public health may be at risk from development next to a dales town and villages from traffic pollution, fireworks, night time noise and resulting stress from something which is suggested to be a likely statutory nuisance. Light pollution - affecting animals and people at night.
Emergency access is at risk for many people who may be unable to get in or out of their town or village.
Can you also object if you can to the planning department? All information here. Development has already begun before planning has been approved.
Head your objection
Ref: DM/16/01137/FPA, DM/16/01131/FPA, DM/16/01129/VOC and DM/16/01134/FPA:
Email your objection to planning@durham.gov.uk
Follow us on Twitter @raed2016otter
Dear Planning Department,
Please find signatures against development of car parks next to Toronto village and Bishop Auckland which are out of scale and anti social.
Please find our petition
8 Species of bat, otters, ospreys, hedgehogs, rare butterflies, flowers, birds - sparrowhawk and kestrel, badgers, insects, ancient woodland, hedges, bluebell woods are all at risk from development of car parks in a rural town and village.
Update - currently being developed prior to planning consent, land former mine sites, some not mapped, and landfill with risk to people and property from gas at the least. Undisturbed since 1960s.
Heritage is at risk: old pack horse bridge may carry thousands of cars.
Public health may be at risk from development next to a dales town and villages from traffic pollution, fireworks, night time noise and resulting stress from something which is suggested to be a likely statutory nuisance. Light pollution - affecting animals and people at night.
Emergency access is at risk for many people who may be unable to get in or out of their town or village.
Can you also object if you can to the planning department? All information here. Development has already begun before planning has been approved.
Head your objection
Ref: DM/16/01137/FPA, DM/16/01131/FPA, DM/16/01129/VOC and DM/16/01134/FPA:
Yours faithfully
Residents Group
Bishop Auckland and Toronto 'No to Car Parks'
Aggiorna #28 anni fa
Durham County Council committee meeting on 7th June 2016.
planning@durham.gov.uk. You are welcome to attend!
3000 cars to dominate a village and a town, air pollution (cars, coaches, buses, fireworks), and noise pollution likely to exceed limits from 5pm to 2am next to people's houses.
UK guidance 3 events
Durham Council approved 30
Licensing approved 14. A UK precedent for night time nuisance.
No permits issued for practicing
No noise assessment to date for car parks
Aggiorna #18 anni fa
Thank you for signing our petition,
Car parks are being excavated without planning authorisation on former mine sites and landfill areas- not remediated to standards of today.
Coal Authority has advised in depth investigations before commencing work - work continues
This is EIA development - residents are worried about contamination, gas and risk to people and property - undisturbed since 1960s.
Residents Group
Bishop Auckland and Toronto UK