Reauthorize Multinational Species Conservation Funds

If the MSCF is not reauthorized, populations of African elephants, Asian elephants, tigers, Sumatran rhinoceroses, great apes, marine turtles and other endangered and threatened species would loose crucial programs that protect them from poaching.

U.S. foreign assistance costs approximately 1.3 percent of the federal budget, and the MSCF comprises only .02 percent of this foreign assistance spending. The U.S. Department of the Interior recognized the value of the MSCF and calculated that the program generated 207 U.S. jobs and added $22.6 million to the U.S. economy in Fiscal Year 2010.

Tell your representatives to support the Multinational Species Conservation Funds Reauthorization Act of 2011, (H.R. 50).

Contact your Senators


If the MSCF is not reauthorized, populations of African elephants, Asian elephants, tigers, Sumatran rhinoceroses, great apes, marine turtles and other endangered and threatened species would loose crucial programs that protect them from poaching.

U.S. foreign assistance costs approximately 1.3 percent of the federal budget, and the MSCF comprises only .02 percent of this foreign assistance spending. The U.S. Department of the Interior recognized the value of the MSCF and calculated that the program generated 207 U.S. jobs and added $22.6 million to the U.S. economy in Fiscal Year 2010.

Tell your representatives to support the Multinational Species Conservation Funds Reauthorization Act of 2011, (H.R. 50).

Contact your Senators

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