Not Like Nakoda: Demand More Wildlife Bridges to Halt Tragedy Before it Takes Place

    Stop allowing traffic to destroy our environment and letting cars kill our beloved and unique animals.
    Stop tragedy before it happens.
    Start being proactive and installing measures to keep our animals safe!
    Start creating more wildlife bridges so we can protect our wild animals.

    This tragedy has shaken the community but this tragedy could have been avoided. It's time to do better and though we already knew it was possible, Nakoda has shown us it is necessary.

    Please sign this petition to force our government to hear what needs to be done to protect our sacred wildlife.

    Please consider sharing this, tagging parks Canada on twitter and social media and directly contacting Steven Guilbeault the MP of Parks Canada.

    Parks Canada Social Media by location:
    Contact Parks Canada MP directly:

    Thank you for clicking the links to help spread our cause.
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