Let's get Parental-alienation Laws Established in the United States of America! Please, it's Vital!!

    Parental Alienation Laws are so far, Non Existent in the United States of America!?Yet,they're Vital!!. We Urgently need to Establish Parental alienation laws in the U.S. and fight for the rights of Our children and ourselves as Parents.!! Separation Anxiety,
    Stress, insomnia , and eating disorders are just amongst some of the few severe issues that could arise due to Parental alienation (Separation). Parental Alienation can cause trouble with the child's Growth and development. Creating learning disabilities interfering with cognitive abilities and growth and development,(regressing seemingly backwards)..Problems can develop with; insecure bond attachment after having had ;a secure bond attachment. It results in Reactive Attachment disorders, Such as; A.d.h.d,.Autism, Ash Bergers, and even as far as;, Mental Retardation. Leaving life long damages that are irreversible. It is a serious matter and can end in catastrophic consequences, unfortunately.That's why we need to Stand together and get Parental-alienation Laws Established in the United States! The youth are the future and we must do what is in the best interest of them and also what is fair and equal to the other parent. Co-parenting and Communication are key factors into, Working together as parents and as adults, creating safe, logical, and fair boundaries for both parents and child alike.These targeted laws to protect parents and child alike are vital. Urgent in fact,!we can potentially prevent this from happening further ! Autism is 1 in 2 children, being diagnosed with it, this is very alarming.! Therefore, we must Conquer this inJustice of sorts.!
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