Give Vinyl Revolution a fighting chance!

We are a new independent shop which opened in Brighton 4 months ago. We are still establishing ourselves and people are still finding us for the first time. Being visible is really important.

We have just been notified by email that scaffolding will be erected over our shop next weekend for the whole of the Christmas shopping period.
Scaffolding will hide our shop and is known to severely reduce shoppers from looking in the window and entering the shop. As a very young business without corporate money we are reliant on a good Christmas and this will could put us out of business.

These works have been needed for a very long time (our survey documented them 8 months ago) and are 'essential' but non emergency.

We are asking our managing agent and landlord to delay works until January to give us a fighting chance to survive.

Aggiorna #27 anni fa
Hi all, quick update.
Scaffolding was due last Friday but was delayed until tomorrow (by the builders).

We met the owner of the managing agents this morning & had a more constructive meeting. He has commited to minimising the effect on our shop (possibly not even covering up the fascia & shop sign) which would help enormously. Despite not stopping works until Jan your public support has definitely improved our position.

Thank you so much!

& some good news. We're in the Guardian!

Aggiorna #17 anni fa
We met with our managing agent this morning and presented the petition.

It became clear that works have planned for some time without us having been informed. Our question as to why works cannot be delayed until January remains unanswered.

They are now discussing the possibility of delaying works until January and will advise us of their decision by 10am tomorrow. Watch this space!
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