Demand Congress reject Marjorie Taylor Greene’s bill to take away Pete Buttigieg’s salary!

Right-wing extremist and unrepentant homophobe Marjorie Taylor Greene has filed an amendment to reduce Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's salary to just $1, turning one of the nation's most important cabinet positions into a volunteer job.

"Pothole Pete staged fake bike rides to the White House and used private planes funded by taxpayers to receive awards for the way certain people have sex!" exclaimed Taylor Greene in an unhinged and deeply bizarre speech attempting to justify her stunt.

Demand Congress reject Marjorie Taylor Greene's bill to take away Pete Buttigieg's salary!

The extremists and bigots in the GOP House caucus approved the amendment by voice vote, but the rest of the House still has to formally vote on it.

Secretary Buttigieg has done nothing wrong but be gay and be a vocal critic of Donald Trump and everything the GOP clown caucus in Congress has tried to do — we can't let her succeed in this spiteful display of petty vengeance!

Demand Congress reject Marjorie Taylor Greene's bill to take away Pete Buttigieg's salary!

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