Creation of a Kentucky Animal Welfare Agency

  • da: Holly VanMeter
  • destinatario: Governor Steven Beshear, Kentucky State Legislature

We, the undersigned, do hereby call for the Kentucky State Government to fund the creation of a Kentucky Animal Welfare Agency. 
This agency will investigate allegations of animal abuse and cruelty submitted by the public and State and Federal agencies.  This will also ensure that humane societies, shelters and pet stores are in are full compliance with the humane treatment of animals. 
This agency would advise and advocate for tougher animal laws protecting all creatures great and small throughout the state of Kentucky.  Kentucky, at this time,  only has approximately 3 laws protecting animals and this agency will research laws from other states to see if those laws are applicable and revelant to the Commonwealth. 
Finally, this agency will see that the Federal law of what happens to animals in emergency situations is completed.

We, the undersigned, do hereby call for the Kentucky State Government to fund the creation of a Kentucky Animal Welfare Agency. 
This agency will investigate allegations of animal abuse and cruelty submitted by the public and State and Federal agencies.  This will also ensure that humane societies, shelters and pet stores are in are full compliance with the humane treatment of animals.
This agency would advise and advocate for tougher animal laws protecting all creatures great and small throughout the state of Kentucky.  Kentucky, at this time,  only has approximately 3 laws protecting animals and this agency will research laws from other states to see if those laws are applicable and revelant to the Commonwealth. 
Finally, this agency will see that the Federal law of what happens to animals in emergency situations is completed.

Thank you for taking the time to read this petition and hopefully we can work together to better serve the animals in the Commonwealth.

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