The barbaric sport of bullfighting isn't just in Spain. Many people don't know this but it is also a popular sport in France, mainly in the southwest.
The fact that this cruel sport is more widespread than most previously thought is disturbing enough.
But French animal activists have long been fighting for the prohibition of the sport. That's why they are so upset at the news that French agriculture minister Didier Guillaume, who also oversees animal welfare, decided to attend a bullfighting competition in the French town of Bayonne. By showing his face at this disgusting event, Guillaume simultaneously lent tacit government approval to the sport and abandoned his duty to protect animals from abuse.
Bullfighting is a bloodsport and innocent animals are subjected to unspeakable cruelty all for the pleasure of spectators - spectators who risk nothing while the animal risks its life.
Tell Minister Guillaume that he has an obligation to protect animals, not participate in their abuse. Sign the petition and demand that Guillaume work to ban bullfighting in France.