A 6-Year-Old's Father Used a Treadmill to Cause Blunt Force Injuries to the Boy, Leading to His Death

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: New Jersey Bar Association
The security footage is sickening to watch. In the video - which has now gone viral - a father who was intent on punishing his 6-year-old son, Corey, forces the young boy onto a treadmill. As he increases the speed over and over, the child falls off and hits his head and face repeatedly.

Each time, the father forces his son back onto the machine and further increases the speed, even biting the top of the child's head. By the end of the video, the little boy has fallen off six times, leaving him with serious injuries to the chest and abdomen.

And then, 12 days later, the 6-year-old boy died.

All of this could have been prevented if the judge involved in the family's case had permitted the boy's mother to have custody rights, but they refused. Sign the petition to disbar the judge whose negligence contributed to this little boy's death!

County prosecutors have alleged that this man committed an ongoing "cycle of abuse" against this little boy, which led directly to his death. Prosecutors shared that Corey had died from blunt force trauma. His body was covered in contusions, while his internal organs - particularly his liver and heart - were lacerated.

In fact, the boy's mother feared his life was in danger. Eleven days after the treadmill abuses, she had petitioned the court with an emergency application for custody - but a judge denied her plea.

Without any other options left, Corey's mother had to return him to his father. The very next day, the man beat the little boy until he was limp and could barely breathe. After the child was already seriously injured, his father finally brought him to the hospital, where he suffered from several seizures, coded twice, and ultimately died an hour later. Once the father heard the news, he fled the state for three months.

The man has since been apprehended and a jury has found him guilty of manslaughter. But there's one other person who still needs to be held accountable for this little boy's death: the judge who denied Corey's mother custody rights one day before he was beaten to death. Sign the petition to demand this judge be disbarred immediately!
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