Stop deforestation in Brazil and save the Amazon Rainforest!

Deforestation in Brazil is a very important issue. 
Large areas die every year.
The goal is to save as many acres as possible. Because it's all in our interest. Trees produce oxygen that can have a positive effect on climate change.

There are plenty of animals and plants that live in this area, whose homes are getting smaller and smaller. They can produce a lot of medicines, from the existing ingredients. The most varied wildlife in the world is Amazonia.

There are some popular animals here, such as jaguar.

Help us together to preserve this wonderful wildlife.

Please sign this petition and help!

Aggiorna #37 anni fa

Please share this petition and if you have a friend who would like to sign, do not hesitate to speak to her. That would be a great help.

Also, please share the petition on facebook or twitter.

Let's get together for a better future!
Aggiorna #27 anni fa
Thanks for signing everyone, that's a big step forward. Please share that petition for as many people as possible.
Aggiorna #17 anni fa
Thank you very much!
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