Petition to support having a commemorative plaque, for Pink Floyd, in Cambridge

The founding members of Pink Floyd, are all from Cambridge. Yet, there is nothing in Cambridge to commemorate this fact!
It will be the 10th anniversary of Syd Barrett's death in July 2016, so it would be great, to have the plaque in place by then.
This petition, is for Cambridge City Council to give approval, it's not for them to fund it (although that would be nice!) So, if we get approval, we will then be fundraising. Any money raised (above the cost of getting the plaque carved) will be split equally, between a few Cambridge based charities (for music, drugs and mental health)

Aggiorna #29 anni fa
Thank you so much to everyone, who's signed so far! It looks like we shall reach our target!
I'll keep you updated of any news. X
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
We're approaching 1000 signatures!! Thanks so much to everyone who's signed so far. Please share with anyone and everyone, so we can reach our 2000 target! X
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