Free My Dogs, Lala And Nelson
My dog Nelson has sepperation anxiety and does not like being alone. He dug out under the fence and got out. The mean old neighbor who has family in the Newport RI police department has been out to get my dogs they moved here. Nelson, age 6, has been taken care of since being born, bottle fed because he was abandoned and loves children very very much. Lala ,age 3, is luch a baby she has to suck on a blanket to fall asleep and would not hurt a fly. Anyways the neighbor got ahold of the dogs and called the police when they got out and is threatining to put them asleep. Julia M. Sweeney has corruptly led this investigation about my dogs. First time this happened Julia M. Sweeney conviently lost the vets records for court. Which has led to a number of guidelines that we have followed exactly without question. The other day after they escaped and stayed in our yard, Julia M. Sweeney did not answer 14 attempts to reach her over the phone, and 5 minutes before they were closing she called back and threatened to euthanize the dogs by midnight.
In closing I would like to convey the felling of helplessness and sadness due to these hidden adgendas that are unknown and uncalled for.
Firma la petizioneFirma la petizione