Ed Davey - Don't let Osborne kill Green Growth

Chancellor George Osborne wants to remove support for renewable energy and green businesses.  Tell Ed to stand up to Osborne and keep coalition commitments on renewables and reducing greenhouse gases.

A third of our electricity system is old and needs to be replaced.  Ed Davey could use this opportunity to make sure that by 2030 UK electricity is almost entirely free of carbon emissions.  But Osborne would prefer the UK to be dependent on expensive, imported and polluting gas for years to come.

Please add a comment to your signature.  Simple messages from us - his local Constituents - will create more impact than a detailed technical letter and briefing from an environmental NGO.  Some examples could be:

- Support the green economy

- Invest in renewable energy

- Reduce the UK dependance on fossil fuels

Please add your own messages to the petition as comments - we will print these messages onto individual postcards and deliver them in a meeting with Ed Davey in October.

Simple messages from us - his local Constituents - will be considered more seriously than a detailed technical letter and briefing from an Environmental NGOs.  Some examples could be:

Support the green economy

Invest in renewable energy

Reduce the UK dependance on fossil fuels

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