Hunting is usually an acceptable sport. Kendall jones is hunting and killing endangered and very rare African animals ... for what? followers ,fame? oh and lets not forget her reality TV show! THIS is unacceptable and needs to be stopped ."Kendall Jones is part of an effort to use this approach to save the larger animals of Africa from extinction." says the Los Angeles Times but please tell me how is this girl participating in a conservation act trying to help these endangered animals if she is the one hunting them? All for publicity and a contract. she wants to fight back and try to defend herself but come on what did she expect? That she could go around shooting white lions , white rhinos, giraffes, zebras and many other helpless animals that probably had families? Did you think of that Kendal obviously not. So tell me if one the animals she killed had a baby or more depending on them for life and safety how is killing them helping anything? now the baby has no mother or father and is alone and has no way to get food or defend its self and probably starves and dies. You didn't just kill the intended you killed its baby and babies that IT could of had . So instead of helping Kendall Jones is in fact lowering the already dwindling number of endangered and rare African wild life. FOR FUN?? Please help stop her!!

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