We want stricter laws in place with regard to Animal Cruelty in Trinidad and Tobago

  • destinatario: The Honourable Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

We would like stricter laws and penalties applied with regard to animal rights in Trinidad and Tobago. Animals are subject to neglect and cruelty at the hands of human beings who are entrusted as “guardians” or “owners”. As a pet owner (and most of us can relate to this), we have a commitment to take care of our loved ones and that means pets. All animals should be protected just as the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, as they also make up this land we all share.

For far too long have people abandoned their responsibility as humans, while exploiting and treating animals with complete disdain and disregard as to the effects on them. Most recently, we observed the disgusting potential of those we consider our neighbours. One such incident occurred where a young man took the life of a helpless puppy by “allegedly” hanging him then posting it on social media as a form of accomplishment. To my understanding, the fine for this was a mere $400.00 and a stern warning. This is simply an insignificant punishment, which will be forgotten. What about the life he took? This innocent creature might only be remembered when another monster arises. This act of cruelty is but a stepping stone for these monsters, as a mere punishment like this would not faze them. How much longer until they direct their hostility and sick minds towards people? Sadly, this is how murderers and rapists are born, as they have no regard for the life of the innocent.

Traffic violations have decreased due to serious repercussions and I believe the same would occur with animal rights. A person should receive severe punishment for abusing anyone and I say anyone because I consider animals people too, as I know many people whose behaviour are not up to standard with that of animals.

I truly believe that not enough is being done to protect the lives of the innocent animals that are abused and murdered daily. As the superior species, it is our duty to protect those who cannot defend themselves and sadly, we have been doing an unacceptable job. I’m humbly requesting you invest in the lives of the helpless and if we’re able to stop at least one act of cruelty a day then we’ll be on the road to becoming better people.

Please sign and let’s try to end or at least minimize animal cruelty in our beloved Trinidad and Tobago!

Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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