Demand to have deceased cats scanned and owners to be notified by local authorities.

    This happened to me. I will never know what happened to my Tilly! I searched and searched for days and then one day I stopped a man walking his dog and he told me that he thought that he had seen Tilly(unfortuanately deceased) during his walk and he had contacted the council to inform them. I was too late!! The council had been to collect the deseased cat. I called them and was told that they don't have the resources to scan deseased cats. We find many injured cats, badgers and foxes, she said!! I furiously replied by saying that my Tilly was my pet not a fox or a badger. I was furious and asked to speak to a Manager. I did receive a phone call back and the Manager informed me that they do scan cats but if this was the case, why did I never receive that phone call to say that she had been collected? I will never know if that cat was Tilly and I will never know if she is alive or not. Why have your cat chipped?? Some cats that are hit by vehicles, run off to die so how can those cats be identified if not found by their owner? I feel very strongly about this!
    Firma la petizione
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