Shame on Clovis California

Clovis, California has passed and ordnance making it unlawful to offer food or water to feral cats. There are other alternatives to allowing helpless animals to suffer and die a cruel death.

It is unbelievable that any city would pass an ordinance that would legalize the slow and inhumane death of helpless animals, but Clovis, California has. Chapter 6.1 Animal Regulations, 6.1.519 states that it unlawful for any person within the City of Clovis to intentionally provide food, water, or other form of substance to a feral cat or feral cat colony.
While California Penal Code 597 (b) -Crimes Against Animals-Felony or Misdemeanor states that any person either owner or otherwise who intentionally deprives an animal of necessary substance (food & Drink) or subjects any animal to needless cruelty is guilty of a crime.
We ask the Clovis City Council to resend or amend their cold-hearted city code and find alternative and humane ways solve and/or address the feral cat problem in their city rather than condoning the suffering and inhumane treatment and slow death of helpless animals.  
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