Remove the Fish from being used in spas

  • da: Mary R
  • destinatario: To all who care about fish

I was shopping in Countryside Mall, Clearwater FLorida and noticed a spa, that advertised fish. I walked in, there were multiple chairs with tanks of fish at the base, so customers could stick there feet in and the fish nibble at the dead skin. The water is not changed between feet and I did not notice any fish food sitting around or floating in the water. I do not believe this is something that fish should be kept in tanks for and I found out the company sells franchises. The website is. The one I saw is located at 27001 US Higway 19N, Suite 2056, Clearwater FL 33761. Their phone number is 727- 281- 4951. The brochure says : Fish spa treatments, and they are on Facebook. Please help set these fish free snd no longer be used to eat dead skin cells off of feet.

Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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