Stop Texas Trophy Horse Hunts

  • da: Bella T
  • destinatario: Texas Horse Hunt Expeditions,LLC and Master Guide Tom D. Welderman IV

Real or hoax? If he wanted attention he got it. If he is killing horses he needs to be stopped. 

The number is a working number for Mr. Welderman.

The site is very disturbing. 

These horses are killed as trophy's by game hunters and dressed out for food. 

The  finest equine specimens imported from all over the world or from local breeders. Many are organic and grass-fed. You will have the option of killing your horse traditionally (with a stick) by cross bow or by firearm of your choice. All horse meats will be processed at our facilites, so you will never get horse blood on your hands. The hunt is also filmed..
See their blog site.


This is senseless killing. As Americans we are told we do not eat horse meat here in the United States and then I run across this site where horses are hunted as trophy's. And butchered for their meat. Horses help give us our freedom. They are beautiful spirited creatures.Please help stop the abuse of these horses for trophy hunts and  human consumption!
Read all about here.

Phone: 512-666-0961


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