The Delaware River Basin Commission will be voting in a resolution on March 15 to start writing policies that will ALLOW natural gas development in the Delaware River Basin.
The Delaware River provides drinking water to millions of people and supports numerous unique ecosystems, is home to the US national bird, and has multiple federal and other designations related to its wild, scenic, and high water quality character.
Please sign this petition to tell the DRBC NOT to make a decision that will destroy the Delaware River.
The Delaware River is:
This river is part of our national heritage. It is also home to our national bird, the Bald Eagle. How ironic that this mighty body of water now is under siege itself.
SAVE the river that is so symbolic to our nation! Sign the petition today
The disruption imposed by pipeline construction within the river's basin and through the river itself will disturb the delicate and pristine nature of this river, and the ecosystems that rely on it. It will denude the forests in its path, a path of over 1300 acres.
Pipeline accidents could have catastrophic results - to people, to land, to all living things!
Natural gas exploration, in the form of fracking as the DRBC is planning to allow, will serve to damage the ecology of the area, and threaten the drinking water of 6% of the nation’s population!
Please sign this petition to tell the DRBC and the Governors of the States through which the Delaware River flows that there should be a permanent ban on all oil and gas development through this most magnificent of rivers!
The river runs through 5 states, including 42 counties and 838 municipalities. Private property owners face condemnation of their property via eminent domain, if the DRBC votes to develop policies to allow natural gas development.
Please help us STOP the DRBC from facilitating the loss of private property for commercial interests, interests that will destroy the Delaware River.
We are sending letters, making calls, sending social messages to all government entities who can help to PREVENT FRACKING AND PIPELINES IN THE DELAWARE RIVER BASIN. We are also reaching out to news media to help spread the word.
Please sign this petition, take the actions requested and share this petition with everyone you know. SAVE THE DELAWARE.
Thank you so much for your assistance in this URGENT matter.
Take action! Sign the petition.
Dear DRBC,
We ask that you block all natural gas development in the Delaware River Basin.
The Delaware River provides drinking water to millions of people and supports numerous unique ecosystems, is home to the US national bird, and has multiple federal and other designations related to its wild, scenic, and high water quality character.
The Delaware River is
· the source for drinking water to over 17 million people, including to 2 of the nation’s largest cities (New York City and Philadelphia)
· home to 1 of the largest wintering Bald Eagle populations in the US
· considered 1 of the top 5 wild trout locations in the US
· a key Atlantic flyway, with hundreds of bird species relying on the area for all or part of their life cycle
· the “champagne” of drinking water, as noted by the NY DEP, providing 90% of New York City’s drinking water and yet requiring no filtration (which also saves money)
· the only natural shad river in the US (since it is the only one that remains undammed)
· a PA Audubon Society designated Important Bird Area (IBA)
· a Federally designated wild and scenic river
· the longest-free flowing river in the US
· designated in some parts as “special protections waters”
· noted by the National Park Service as having some of the cleanest water in the US
· designed as 1 of 19 “Great Waters” by America’s Great Water Coalition
· home to hundreds of ecosystems, with parts of the river exhibiting some of the highest ecological integrity found
· was part of the former territory, before British colonization, of the sovereign American Indian Nation of the Nanticoke Lenape Indians, now headquartered in Bridgeton, NJ
· considered to have one of the most diverse wildlife habitats, supporting dozens of species of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and birds, along with abundant plant life (including endangered species)
· the river that, on Christmas night of 1776, George Washington and his soldiers crossed to successfully surprise the British Hessian troops, so we could have a United States of America
As noted by the last bullet, this river is part of our national heritage, part of how we became America, independent of British rule. It is also home to our national bird, the Bald Eagle. How ironic that this mighty body of water now is under siege itself. Please block any construction and operation of natural gas facilities in the Delaware River Basin.
The disruption caused by pipeline construction within the river’s basin and through the river itself will disturb the delicate and pristine nature of this river, and the ecosystems that rely on it. It will denude forests in its path, a path that cuts through over 1300 acres.
Pipeline accidents could have catastrophic results – to people, to land, to all living things!
Natural gas exploration, in the form of fracking as the DRBC is planning to allow, will serve to damage the ecology of the area, and threaten the drinking water of 6% of the nation’s population! Please place a permanant ban on oil and gas development through this magnificent river.
The river runs through 5 states, including 42 counties and 838 municipalities. Private property owners face condemnation of their property via eminent domain, if the DRBC votes to develop policies to allow natural gas development.
Please refrain from facilitating the loss of private property for commercial interests, interests that will destory the Delaware River.
The Signatories to this Petition
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