A Petition to Ban the Sale/Distribution of Disposable Plastics at Washington State University

  • da: Elizabeth Siler
  • destinatario: Dr. Elson Floyd, President, Washington State University

We write as concerned members of the Washington State University community to ask that the sales and distribution of plastic water bottles (PETE 1 – drink bottles)  and bags (of the one time use disposable variety)  be banned on the WSU campuses.    

There is no better time for WSU to kick the disposable plastic habit.  China, which up until now has been a major importer/recycler of US plastic waste, has begun to reject shipments of plastic from the US under “Operation Green Fence.”    Much of what is now being “recycled” is likely to end up rejected by China and headed to landfills (Christian Science Monitor, June 19, 2013).   

Progressive Washington universities such as Western Washington University, Seattle University, and Evergreen have banned the sales of plastic water bottles on campus (NPR, July 1, 2013).    We are asking that WSU join them to become the largest state university to take such a step.    

There are a number of reasons for this request.    Environmentally, the evidence is clear that plastic depletes natural resources (oil and natural gas from which it is derived); fills landfills;  and kills wildlife.   It also creates unsightly litter that results in a campus that often looks trashed as plastic bottles line the gutters after a “Coug” weekend event and plastic bags tangle the local shrubbery.     And, in times of diminishing water resources, people should not be buying bottled water.   A ban on the sale and distribution of plastic bottles and bags would go a long way towards teaching WSU students a valuable lesson for their future:   don’t rely on disposable plastic.  It’s not in the best interest of the environment or human and animal health.  

We hope you agree with this concern and suggest that an immediate first step could be taken to ban the distribution of bottled water at events during the 2013 Week of Welcome and Rush.   A series of “phase outs” of bottled water, coupled with a university wide publicity/education campaign could make the transition to a plastic free environment doable by the Fall of 2014.  You can count on our support to assist in this effort to put WSU at the forefront of environmentally progressive universities.    We look forward to your response. 


Ford, P. (2013, June 13). China puts up a green wall to US trash. The Christian Science Monitor.

Pailthorp B. (2013, July 1).   WWU to become largest public college in US to ban bottled water [broadcast].  KPLU 88.5 NPR.





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